Streaming of sports competitions

Experience every play: streaming for sporting events

At, we elevate your sporting events by adding a touch of quality with the inclusion of play replays, scores, commentators, and broadcasting the signal of your sporting event to any corner of the planet. Not to mention the appeal it has for sponsors, as we place your sponsors’ advertising (images or videos) during the broadcast.

Why stream your event?

Streaming eliminates geographical and time barriers

The significant advantage of streaming events is that once it is finished, it can be uploaded to the internet, allowing anyone to consume it whenever they want.

It increases dissemination

By live streaming the event, it will be possible for anyone with internet access to be part of the event.

It saves costs

Live streaming allows the company to save costs by avoiding unnecessary travel expenses.

Why trust


Two decades of experience are our greatest added value

Technical requirements

We have everything we need; we don’t need to rely on external providers.


Our balance of quality and price is unbeatable.


We take the satisfaction of our customers very seriously


We easily adapt to any type of work


Because we won’t let you down